Set GDM Default session (not the last used)

Some context: I own a Starlite V, and I use it as a hybrid PC with Gnome and Regolith Desktop. When I work at my desk, I use Regolith, then I turn off the computer and go away from keyboard. Then on the next use, I am on my couch and I boot in tablet mode, then GDM3 by default will send me back to the last session used (Regolith here), and… Bam! I’m stuck in a keyboard-oriented WM without a keyboard. ...

August 19, 2024 · Alexandre

Alternatives aux GAFAMs

En mars 2023, j’ai publié une suite de toots afin de partager les alternatives libres/opensource ou respectueuse de la vie privée que j’utilise au quotidien. J’ai décidé de mettre à jour cette liste (et de la maintenir de façon collaborative) dans cet article de blog. Comme lors de mes toots je vais classer ces différents outils par catégories. Système d’exploitation Navigateur internet Productivité Réseaux sociaux/messageries Multimédia Transport Alternatives diverses Légende des symboles utilisés : ...

August 15, 2024 · Alexandre

Setup Debian 12 on the Starlabs Starlite mk V

Hello everyone, A little time ago, I received my Starlite mk V from Starlabs after a quiet long time. Here is a technical documentation on how to do the full setup of the Debian 12 and Gnome (wayland) install to have a fully working (in my opinion) hybrid pc. OS Install The Debian 12 installation is quite simple and works out of the box, I just used my ventoy key (with a USB C to USB adapter) with the Debian 12 iso on it. I followed the installation process as I would on any machine. ...

July 28, 2024 · Alexandre